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Sedation Dentistry
Safe and Effective Sedation Options
Sit Back and Relax With Sedation Dentistry
Faster Treatment Time — Sedation dentistry is used by our professionals to help you relax. When you are relaxed during the treatment, we are able to work faster and more efficiently because you will not be resistant to the treatment process.
Multiple Procedures — When sedation dentistry is used, our dental team can perform multiple procedures at once while you are relaxed. Since we can work faster, we can do more in one visit.
Reduction in Patient Anxiety — Sedation is used to help you relax. When we administer sedation dentistry, you will feel calm, and your anxiety will be reduced. This allows us to continue with the treatment as planned.
Pain Relief — When we use sedation dentistry, you will not feel any pain during the treatment that is being performed. While you are under the influence of sedatives, the brain cannot register pain. This allows our patients to relax even further, knowing that their treatment will be pain-free.

Trading Dental Anxiety for Peace of Mind